Sep 21, 2022Liked by Lisa Marie Conine

Always enjoy reading about your growth journey, Lisa Marie.

Answering your questions: Relationship with my body is a cauldron of contradictions. A dedicated organic vegetarian who honors the earth by eating a bioregional based diet. Not a drinker or drugger. EXCEPT: horridly addicted to nicotine. I understand the contradiction and work daily to limit/end the addiction.

I suppose because I was taught, by example and word, to honor the 'grandmothers', I have no issues with my female ancestors. They were strong women and taught me to honor and live the Yin Yang, although they certainly didn't use the term. There are very few of my male ancestors who deserve any of my thought. So be it.

But, I have difficulty with the word definition and concept of surrender. It's basically a battle term. There's no reason ever we need to relinquish a part of ourselves to anyone or anything. We can embrace, commit, go forward into a healthier part of ourselves, diminish the negative but, not give over control to something else.

I certainly don't expect anyone to agree with me on my understanding of the term/concept. Oh my - I've been called very nasty names and have had every logical fallacy in the book thrown at me because of my stand. 😄 No matter, I'm still standing.

Many blessings to all.

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Your juicy responses are so supportive here. <3

"A cauldron of contradictions" mm. perfectly describes the conundrum of living in a human body.

In regards to the concept of surrender, I hear you.

In this writing and phase in my life, I am connecting to it in a way of allowing myself to honor the larger current that is carrying me, while also still resisting it. Dancing in between gripping and relaxing. In this context, surrender feels like a relief to me. As in, I am not giving up or giving my power away, but rather gaining it by letting go of the internal battles within. I am not surrendering to an external force that has power over me and is taking from me but rather surrendering to the wisdom within that IS my body, the earth, my ancestors - all as one.

Slowly, bit by bit. Feeling freer and more connected to my body as a way to center my life. And still hating it a lot of the time ;)

A cauldron of contradictions I suppose :)

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